User Stories: Sherri – Living with Chronic Migraines

“My neuro insisted on this app. And, she was right.”
1. How did this app help?
I have better appointments. Finding triggers was a big game changer. This is the only app that actually helps people find them. My neurologist loves the reports.
2. What would you tell others?
Get a good doc. Make sure that you’re comfortable with them. Advocate for yourself. It’s hard. But, it’s really important. Everyone in medicine usually has great intentions – they want you to get better. Navigating the medical system is hard. Do everything you can to work with your team. And don’t be afraid to ask for another opinion or to switch doctors.
2. What did you do differently with this app that you weren’t doing before?
I wasn’t tracking at all before this. I tried a few different systems and they never stuck. This was easier than most. And, it just worked for me.
3. Where has this app had the most impact on your life?
I’ve cut my migraines in half. That’s huge!
Sherri shared her story with us in a user interview. We’ve changed her name to conceal her identity.