Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement (Privacy Policy)

This privacy statement explains how we, Shiny New App, Inc. (“Shiny New App”, “us”, “we” or “our”) handle privacy and use your personal data to provide you with the Migraine Insight mobile application (“Migraine Insight”) and website ( This privacy statement provides an overview of some core components of our data handling practices.

  1. We collect data (e.g. personal and sensitive user data) when you register an account, self-report information through surveys, forms, features or applications, use our Services, upload your own content to our Services, use social media connections and features, refer your contacts to us, share information through various interactions with us and our partners, and via cookies and similar tracking technologies.
  2. We use information in general (i) to provide, analyze and improve our Services, (ii) as we reasonably believe is permitted by laws and regulations, including for marketing, advertising and revenue purposes, (iii) to protect the security and safety of our company, employees, customers as we reasonably believe permitted by laws and regulations, (iv) to comply with laws and regulations we are subject to.
  3. The app, Migraine Insight, collects location data to enable location features even when the app is closed or not in use.

By agreeing to our Privacy Statement and Terms of Service, you consent to sensitive information, such as information about your health, personal information, and self-reported information such as racial and ethnic origin and sexual orientation (where you provide it) being used by us to:

  1. analyze and provide you with our Services;
  2. monitor and improve existing products or services that we offer or develop new products and services; and
  3. determine whether you would be suitable to take part in surveys, polls or questionnaires that we are conducting; and
  4. other additional ways we reasonably believe is permitted by laws and regulations.

We will not use your sensitive information without your consent unless: (i) the information has been anonymized or aggregated so that you cannot reasonably be identified as an individual; or (ii) a legal obligation requires us to use it in some way e.g. a court order requires us to disclose the information.

By agreeing to our Privacy Statement and Terms of Service, you consent to the storing and processing of your personal information, including sensitive information, in the USA and countries outside of the country you live in. We use a range of measures to safeguard information but these countries may have laws that are different from those of your country of residence. You also consent to your personal information, including sensitive information, being transferred in the event of a business transition such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or other transaction or proceeding. In such a case, your information would be used as set out in any pre-existing Privacy Statement.

    1. You may independently decide to disclose your information to friends and/or family members, doctors, health care professionals, or other individuals outside our Services, including through third party services such as social networks and third-party apps that connect to our website and mobile apps through our application programming interface (“API”); always review the privacy policies of third-party apps and services before sharing your information.

    2. We may share anonymized and aggregate information with third parties to improve the application’s use case or features; anonymized and aggregate information is any information that has been stripped of your name and contact information and aggregated with information of others or anonymized so that you cannot reasonably be identified as an individual.

    3. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please email us at [email protected] or send a letter to the address provided at the bottom of our full privacy statement.

    4. If you are a user on a phone with an Android Operating System (Google user), we access your exercise, sleep and steps data (with your permission).


This statement applies to, the Migraine Insight app, and software owned and operated by us. Our Privacy Statement is designed to help you better understand how we collect, use, store, process, and transfer your information when operating our website, mobile apps, products, software and other services (collectively “Service” or “Services”). The following are our core privacy principles:

    1. We collect and handle information (i) to provide, analyze and improve our Services, (ii) as we reasonably believe is permitted by laws and regulations, such as for marketing and advertising purposes, and (iii) as reasonably necessary to comply with laws and regulations, and to protect the security and safety of our company, employees, customers and others.

    2. Please review this Privacy Statement and our Terms of Service. By using our Services, you agree to all of the policies and procedures described in the foregoing documents.

    3. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of the information you may provide to us. To that end, we strive to be transparent in our collection, use and disclosure of this information. We are committed to providing a secure environment for our Services, including encrypting sensitive data.


Our website, mobile apps, products, software and other services (collectively “Service” or “Services”) are not intended for use by children under 13. By agreeing to our Privacy Statement and Terms of Service, you agree that you are not a child under 13. See’s ‘Complying with COPPA’ for more information on why this is important.


At any time, you can contact our support at [email protected] to have your personal data deleted. There is also a button in the app labeled ‘Delete’ in the settings area. Use of this button will delete your data after a confirm message.

Please contact us with any questions.

Lynn Smith
Founder, Migraine Insight

[email protected]

[email protected]

This Privacy Statement was last updated in 2024