The Migraine Insight Starter Guide

3 Useful Things to Know On Day One

Finding triggers leads to more migraine-free days. Here’s how to get the most out of tracking in Migraine Insight.

How do you figure out what triggers your migraines?

If you’ve seen a neurologist or headache specialist, they probably told you to find your triggers. Headache specialists hand out a list of 100 or so items that can be a migraine trigger. It can take years to finally find your real triggers on paper. We help you find your real migraine triggers faster with our AI-based pattern finder.

Migraine Insight lets you track anything and see how it correlates with your episodes

Gather the right information to find your real triggers faster.

1. Track migraines and triggers on the ‘Home’ tab.

2. Our pattern finder shows you correlations on the ‘Results’ tab.

Tip 1: Consider limiting trigger trackers in the beginning. 10 or fewer works best for most people trying to pinpoint triggers.

Adding a lot of trackers can mean you need to track too much at once.

There’s no restriction, though. So, go for it if you want to track more!

Why? We ask you to track every time you encounter a potential trigger that you’re tracking. That can get to be a lot.

The log works best when you track all episodes and trigger encounters. This means tracking even when you don’t have a migraine. We make tracking quick. And, we promise it’s worth it. A lot of people make enormous strides in recovery by finding their real migraine triggers.

Also, it’s normal that people will miss information. We still find patterns even if you track only on migraine days. Or, if you miss triggers.

As a general rule, the more fully you track, the faster we can help you find accurate migraine triggers. But, put in as much as you can and trust that we will sort it out.

And, bonus – we help you track! The toolkit has features built in to help you gather as much information as possible, even on days you forget to track.

We know nobody tracks perfectly.

The app uses automatic and self-tracking in a powerful combination to help you get a clear picture of what’s going on with you.

Tip 2: Try and keep what you’re not tracking consistent – especially coffee.

We’re trying to help you pinpoint your triggers. It’s faster when you try keep what’s not being tracked consistent as much as possible.

While tracking triggers to get information on what’s causing your migraines, it’s not a good time to start a new way of eating. It is a good time to keep your caffeine steady.  Big new life changes can change your migraine pattern.

Tip 3: Choose a time to track daily.

It helps to have a time to track and set a reminder.

A lot of users pick a set time each day to track. But, if you like to track as the day goes on – that works great, too.

You can track only when you have a migraine. Or, track daily. But, the results are better if you track as often as you can. (Skipping days is fine!)

Fastest – Daily tracking of triggers encounters

This is the best way to find triggers. The pattern finder works fastest when you track a trigger most of the time you encounter it, not just on migraine days. It’s ok to skip some tracking. Tracking this way allows the pattern finder to compare when you get a migraine to when you don’t get a migraine. That’s important.

Still works great – Tracking on migraine/headache days only
This also works to find triggers. But, it’s going to take a bit longer. You can have success either way — tracking daily or just on migraine days.

As a general rule, we encourage people to just track as much as you can. Don’t stress if you can’t track all the time. It still works.

Worried about a gap in tracking days?

That’s fine. You can track when you want and restart when you’re ready.

Just do the best you can. The app learns what your patterns are over time.

How to set up permissions

We encourage all users to turn on permission to access location and health data. Location: How to set your location access permissions on iPhone and Android. Health Data: How to your health data access permissions on iPhone and Android.

Looking for help? Visit the Knowledge Base.

Automated Tracking

The app has lots of automatic tracking:

Location — When you are at a location outside of your home for more than 15 minutes, the app adds that location to your log. In your results, we can show you if you have an increase in migraines after a certain location is visited several times. This is one of our most popular features.

Weather — Checks for rain and snow days.

Barometric pressure — Checks for big swings in barometric pressure and shows any correlation on your results.

Workouts — Integrates with health tracking to get this information.

Sleep — Integrates with health tracking to get this information.

Pollen — tree, grass and weed pollen coming soon!

Finding Patterns

The results from our pattern finder with location and health data tracking is where curiosity comes into play and a TON of insights are made!

What if you get more migraines after a certain restaurant? Maybe you wonder what you eat there that you don’t eat at other places. Is that blue cheese making you sick?

What if you get more migraines after a the yoga studio where you do inversions? Would stopping or modifying yoga inversions lead to fewer migraines?

Download the app today!

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What will you learn from tracking your migraines?