Frequently Asked Questions

Founded by migraine sufferers on a mission, we work to help people reduce or eliminate migraine episodes. 

Yes. We are happy to announce the app now has dark mode. 

(Keep those important requests coming!)

Not all people using Migraine Insight will get better. Most people who stick with the app make significant progress.

Here’s a timeline of when people typically make progress:

1-4 weeks: Data gathering, not a lot of change.

5-8 weeks: Users get their first results in the app’s pattern finder.

9-12 weeks: Most people take up to 12 weeks to have a change in migraine patterns.

The Free Version:
The free app has lots of features including logging and reporting – free forever. We worked hard to make our tracking very easy. We have tons of automated tracking – weather, location, health data tracking. All free.

Think of the free level as doing everything other migraine apps do. It’s the baseline.

The Premium Version:
The premium version unlocks insights and results from your tracking. This is where we look at your data, compare it with other users and let you know what works best for users like you. (This is done fully anonymously and as an opt-in. We take data privacy very seriously. We never sell data.*)

We also rank your triggers and use a wide range of tracking data to help you actually, really find your true migraine triggers. 

Think of this as an investigative tool. We can tell you what locations you visit correspond with migraines. We can tell you what food groups are followed by more migraines. We can let you know what medications work best for others with your profile… and, lots more amazing insights. This is truly a breakthrough app.

* We truly never sell data. We have a different business model than the apps that sell data for profit.

Our free app lets you track for free, forever. With all the automated tracking built it, it makes sense to just get started for free and get tracking. 

When you’re ready, the premium level costs $9/mo or $59/year.

This tool helps you know what’s correlated with your pain, supercharge any doctor’s appointments, and help you get free from migraine pain. It’s by far the most easy to use and most effective app on the market.

Imagine having just one fewer ER visit a year … and the app pays for itself!

Yes. App subscriptions automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle. 

To change or cancel your subscription on the Android Playstore or Apple Store go to:
Subscriptions – Migraine Insight –  Remove/Cancel Subscription

If you cancel, all your data will still remain in the app. All free features will continue to work based on all of your data. 

If you have any issues or questions please reach out right away at [email protected]. We love questions.

Yes. Please contact [email protected] to delete your account. You can also do this in the app’s settings. When you request that your account is deleted, we will delete all of your data.

Reach out with questions. We love questions.